Read on for fan-written reviews of favorite episodes of The X-Files featuring
Skinner. Submit your own review by e-mailing Robin.
If you enjoy reading reviews, I highly recommend the following Web pages for further
X-Files Episodes Mitch Pileggi has appeared in (so far):
First Season:
Second Season:
- Little Green Men
- The Host
- Sleepless
- Ascension
- One Breath
- Colony
- End Game
- F. Emasculata
- Anasazi
Third Season:
- The Blessing Way
- Paper Clip
- Nisei
- Grotesque
- Piper Maru
- Apocrypha
- Pusher
- Avatar
- Wet Wired
- Talitha Cumi
Fourth Season:
- Herrenvolk
- Teliko
- The Field Where I Died
- Tunguska
- Terma
- Paper Hearts
- El Mundo Gira
- Memento Mori
- Unrequited
- Max
- Small Potatoes
- Zero Sum
Fifth Season:
- Redux
- Redux II
- Kitsunegari
- Bad Blood
- The Red and the Black
- The Pine Bluff Variant
- Folie a Deux
- The End
Sixth Season:
- The Beginning
- Drive
- Triangle
- S.R. 819
- Two Fathers
- One Son
- Monday
- Field Trip
- Biogenesis
Seventh Season:
- The Sixth Extinction
- Amor Fati
- Millennium
- Sein Und Zeit
- En Ami
- Chimera
- Brand X
- Hollywood A.D.
- Requiem
Purchase the video of your favorite Skinner episode! You can find them in The Bookstore along with a selection of other X-Files merchandise.
Reviews of X-Files Episodes:
Tooms, by Leslie Remencus
Little Green Men, by Sarah Stegall
The Host, by Sarah Stegall
Ascension, by Justene Adamec
Duane Barry/Ascension, by Sarah Stegall
One Breath, by Sarah Stegall
Colony/End Game, by Sarah Stegall
End Game, by Marcy
F. Emasculata, by Sarah Stegall
Anasazi, by Sarah Stegall
The Blessing Way/Paper Clip, by
Sarah Stegall
Paper Clip, by Leslie (thamedia@wimsey.com)
Nisei/731, by Sarah Stegall
Pusher, by Sarah Stegall
Avatar, by Sarah Stegall
Talitha Cumi, by Sarah Stegall
Herrenvolk, by Sarah Stegall
Teliko, by Sarah Stegall
The Field Where I Died, by Sarah Stegall
Tunguska/Terma, by Sarah Stegall
Paper Hearts, by Sarah Stegall
Memento Mori, by Sarah Stegall
Unrequited, by Sarah Stegall
Tempus Fugit/Max, by Robert Smith
Zero Sum, by Julia Donehew
Reviews of other projects can be found under the Field Work section of
the Mitch Pileggi Home Page.
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