Check out a selection of upcoming X-Files-related events, both official and unofficial.
Official X-Files Conventions
No official cons are scheduled at this time.
Unofficial X-Files Events
No events are scheduled at this time that I know of. However, there is one cruise company that occasionally schedules X-Files related cruise vacations. For more information, go to www.x-filesadventure.com.
If you know of a fan-run event you'd like to promote, please e-mail me.
I've also been informed of a new e-mail list for talking about
visiting sci-fi conventions. Here is what the group's moderator says it's for: "What goes on at them; what you did there; a way to
keep in touch with someone you met at a con; and a way to find out about various cons around the world you might have been unaware of before."
You can find more information about the list, including how to subscribe, at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ConConnection.
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