Just getting started

Well, I’ve decided to redo hieran.com as a WordPress site, centered around a blog. The idea is that someone or someones out there will actually be interested in things I have to say. Ha!

Why “Bluebonnet Equinox”? I’m not completely sure. I just came up with the phrase at some point a few years ago. The main reason for it is that I absolutely love the wildflowers that bloom along the highways in central and eastern Texas at this time of the year. Most of them are bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush, which make such a beautiful color combination. I miss seeing them, and I often try to make my occasional visits to Texas happen during the spring so I can get a glimpse.

This year, it looks like my vay-cay will be going to MediaWest Con in Lansing, Michigan, over Memorial Day Weekend. I’m looking forward to seeing my buddies Amy, Carol, Lynda and Anne, and we’re hoping Kris will make it, too.

That’s it for now. I’m planning to bring in some old blog posts here to fill up the space, and I’m still playing with the layout and widgets and all that stuff WordPress offers. If you have a comment, please do leave it below. I want to know whether anyone is reading!

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