The La Femme Nikita Drinking Game
All right, you all know how this works. Below we've provided a list of frequently or not-so-frequently seen actions, scenes and situations from La Femme Nikita. Each one is scored according to how many drinks a player must take if it appears in an episode. So, get together with a group of friends who are old enough to drink, designate a sober driver, and proceed to watch episodes of Nikita until only one of you (besides the designated driver) is left standing. The one who passes out last, wins.
Important note: Do not play this game with alcohol if you are not of legal drinking age. Anyone can play the game with nonalcoholic beverages, or even with some other substance, like M&Ms! The point is not to get drunk, but to have a good time. You can have as much fun reading the list as actually playing along. We encourage only responsible use of alcohol, and this game is meant all in good fun -- so have fun, people!
Be sure to e-mail us at one of our addresses below with contributions to this list and your suggested score. We'll add them with credit to you!
Episode Hall of Fame
These are the episodes that you should watch if your basic goal is to get stinking drunk:
- "War" (by far the ultimate drinking game contender!)
- "Hard Landing" (a close second)
- "Obsessed" (the butt shot alone will do you in)
- "Mercy" (might as well stop playing)
- "Missing" (lots of kissing equals lots of shots!)
- "Escape" (jealousy and kissing are high on the list)
Everyone Else Drinks
- When a player can name the background tune in a scene (Lady Crimson)
Take One Drink
- Nikita breaks a rule
- Michael reminds Nikita of the rules
- Michael says something to the effect of, "It had to be done," or "We do what we have to do."
- Nikita puts on sunglasses
- Nikita wears a disguise
- Nikita and Michael look at one another meaningfully
- Michael says he's sorry
- We get to see one of Walter's handmade gizmos (Lady Crimson)
- Nikita punches out/physically subdues someone (Lady Crimson)
- Nikita shoots and injures someone (Lady Crimson)
- Michael asks Nikita if she's all right
- The Goatee Man appears (Adia)
- Michael calls Nikita "Josephine" (Shana)
Take Two Drinks
- Nikita shoots and kills someone
- Nikita cries
- Birkoff guesses a password
- Michael is jealous of Nikita
- Ops disciplines Michael
- Michael touches Nikita
- A villain laughs maniacally
- Madeline counsels Nikita
- A henchman or other bad guy is shown being interrogated
- Michael betrays Nikita
- Someone speaks a language other than English (Lady Crimson)
- Nikita flirts with any man while Michael is watching and it appears to bother him (Lady Crimson)
- Any operative is communicating through a hidden com set and a nearby civilian thinks he/she is talking to them (Lady Crimson)
- Madeline's hair keeps the same colour from one scene to
another (Lyzyn)
- Someone answers a question with the straight-faced lie: "Of course." (Hope Wesley Harrison)
- Birkoff eats oreos. (Cimmera)
- Micheal threatens Birkoff or tells him to be serious (take three drinks if
Micheal hits him upside the head!) (Cimmera)
- Madeline accepts or seen having dinner with Ops (take three if she refuses) (Cimmera)
Take Three Drinks
- Michael speaks French (contributed by Diane Rohn)
- Nikita seduces someone
- Michael rescues Nikita
- Michael is tortured
- Nikita is tortured
- Someone else is tortured
- A mission is aborted
- Someone yells "NO!!!"
- Nikita is jealous of Michael
- A bomb counts down
- Birkoff is shown away from the computer at the control center of Section One (Lady Crimson)
- Madeline picks out Michael and/or Nikita's clothes
- Because Michael is camped outside her apartment, he
just BARELY saves Nikita from doing something she'll regret (Lyzyn)
- An extra makes it more than ten minutes without being killed (Lyzyn)
- Ops lectures Nikita (Cimmera)
Take Four Drinks
- Nikita rescues Michael
- Michael cries
- Birkoff defuses a bomb
- Michael wears a color other than black
- Madeline participates in a mission
- Both Goatee Men appear in the same scene (Adia)
Slam Your Whole Drink
- Michael and Nikita kiss
- Birkoff is shown with a girl, including Nikita, but not including a computer simulation or blow-up doll (Lady Crimson)
- Someone explains how they got into the Section (Lady Crimson)
- A new recruit is presented with the "you are dead to the world" live or die speech (Lady Crimson)
- We get to see Michael's place of residence
- Somebody gets nekkid
Turn Off the VCR, Stop Playing, and Drink Yourself Into a Stupor
- Nikita escapes Section One
- USA Network actually shows Michael's bare bottom on American television!
Eliminator Rounds
Contributed by Lady Crimson: to be played with shots and chasers of house choosing.
- Shot for each item of non-white clothing Michael wears in an ensemble; chaser if you get to see skin below the neck, not including hands.
- Shot when Walter hits on Nikita; chaser when she shoots him down.
- Shot when Madeline enters interrogation room; chaser when poor slob eventually caves in/dies, whichever comes first.
- Shot when someone knocks on Nikita's door; chaser when it's anyone from Section (extra shot plus chaser if it's Michael). (For extra fun, yell "Spy! Spy!" and drink a shot if it's Carla.)
- Shot when Nikita asks Michael out for coffee/drink/to her place; chaser if he accepts.
- Shot when Nikita asks Michael how he feels; extra shot plus chaser if he actually gives her an answer.
- Shot when Michael or Nikita expresses concern to Madeline over the other's situation; chaser if Madeline asks a pointed question pertaining to his/her feelings about the other (bonus shot if the operative denies it)
- Shot when any Walter gizmo is used; chaser if it explodes.
- Shot when Michael's eyes follow Nikita as she leaves a room; one chaser if she looks back at/for him; two chasers if she either leaves the room without looking back at him OR if after she looks back at him, he manages to refocus his attention on her again after she turns away (this requires group consensus)
- Shot for each bad guy who outnumbers Nikita; chaser when she subdues or kills them all singlehandedly!
This page is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Sidekicks Society. Photo on this page courtesy of Warner Bros.
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