The La Femme Nikita Drinking Game

Roy Dupuis as MichaelAll right, you all know how this works. Below we've provided a list of frequently or not-so-frequently seen actions, scenes and situations from La Femme Nikita. Each one is scored according to how many drinks a player must take if it appears in an episode. So, get together with a group of friends who are old enough to drink, designate a sober driver, and proceed to watch episodes of Nikita until only one of you (besides the designated driver) is left standing. The one who passes out last, wins.

Important note: Do not play this game with alcohol if you are not of legal drinking age. Anyone can play the game with nonalcoholic beverages, or even with some other substance, like M&Ms! The point is not to get drunk, but to have a good time. You can have as much fun reading the list as actually playing along. We encourage only responsible use of alcohol, and this game is meant all in good fun -- so have fun, people!

Be sure to e-mail us at one of our addresses below with contributions to this list and your suggested score. We'll add them with credit to you!

Episode Hall of Fame

These are the episodes that you should watch if your basic goal is to get stinking drunk:
  1. "War" (by far the ultimate drinking game contender!)
  2. "Hard Landing" (a close second)
  3. "Obsessed" (the butt shot alone will do you in)
  4. "Mercy" (might as well stop playing)
  5. "Missing" (lots of kissing equals lots of shots!)
  6. "Escape" (jealousy and kissing are high on the list)

Everyone Else Drinks

Take One Drink

Take Two Drinks

Take Three Drinks

Take Four Drinks

Slam Your Whole Drink

Turn Off the VCR, Stop Playing, and Drink Yourself Into a Stupor

Eliminator Rounds

Contributed by Lady Crimson: to be played with shots and chasers of house choosing.

This page is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Sidekicks Society. Photo on this page courtesy of Warner Bros.
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